Bring Me the Night

Hey beautiful people!

So, today's been interesting- completely not how I thought it would go. It had a weird middle, but it's ending pretty okay...

I went on my first date being back from my mission (can we talk about that for a second? I was kind of terrified... Like... A date!? What is this?! I'm not sure I'm about that life.. Haha). Well it ended in anaphylactic shock... I'm super allergic to shrimp and we ate at Buffalo Wild Wings. I thought I'd be safe, but my food was contaminated (luckily only slightly, as my reaction wasn't as bad). 
Well the date was fun, but it got ended because I could feel my throat wasn't doing too hot. I came home, took benedryl, and out I went. 

I woke up a few hours ago and found the most adorable song ever (which I have been listening to on repeat). 
Click here to listen to this beautiful master piece:
You should check it out. 

xx Kirsten 


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